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Subconscious Transformation with Internal Family Systems for Top Consultants & Executives

Build a stress-free life and fulfilling career without leaving money on the table

You are an overachiever. Ever since your first job, you built skills, made money, took on responsibility, and advanced steadily in your career. You went further than anyone predicted.

Your goal was freedom all along, yet you feel less free every day. Taking on more responsibility, once your bread & butter, now feels like a chore. As you improve, so does the 10x you make for your company. Yet, your life is not any easier or more fun.

The same subconscious baggage that made you an insecure overachiever now keeps you from achieving your full potential.

Given that you excel at everything, once you heal your subconscious, you will be unstoppable. You will enjoy your relationships and life more. You can't be forced into doing or feeling things. You will feel free and confident.

Unlock your full potential to start enjoying the rich, exciting, stress-free life and dream career you deserve:

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Subconscious IFS Coaching for Top Consultants & Executives

Build a stress-free life and fulfilling career without leaving money on the table

You are an overachiever. Ever since your first job, you built skills, made money, took on responsibility, and advanced steadily in your career. You went further than anyone predicted.

Your goal was freedom all along, yet you feel less free every day. Taking on more responsibility, once your bread & butter, now feels like a chore. As you improve, so does the 10x you make for your company. Yet, your life is not any easier or more fun.

The same subconscious baggage that made you an insecure overachiever now keeps you from achieving your full potential.

Given that you excel at everything, once you heal your subconscious, you will be unstoppable. You will enjoy your relationships and life more. You can't be forced into doing or feeling things. Your will feel free and confident.

Unlock your full potential to start enjoying the rich, exciting, stress-free life and dream career you deserve:

📅 Book Your Free Consult

Despite building options your entire life,
you have more constraints than ever before:

You cannot alter your career trajectory.

Even though your resume could get you any job, and you have the expertise to start your own thing, you are too invested to trade down or start playing a different game.

Your relationships don't give you fulfilment.

You care about connection a lot, but rarely get the easy, fun, deep, meaningful interactions you long for. You keep getting caught in difficult, painful patterns.

You carry a lot of unfinished business.

The list of important things that you have to take care of before you can live your dream life keeps growing. It constantly feels like you need just one more step change before you can face them.

Despite pursuing freedom your entire life, you have more constraints than ever before:

You can't make surprising changes in your career.

Even though your resume could get you any job, you are too invested and carry too much responsibility to trade down or get out of the game.

Your relationships don't give you enough fulfilment.

It takes investment to nourish your relationships, yet you rarely get the easy, fun, or deep, meaningful interactions you are longing for. 

You carry a lot of unfinished business.

The list of important things that you have to take care of before you can live your dream life keeps growing.

You are not on the shortest path to the easy, happy, free, purposeful life that you want.

All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Online Business

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About Chris

My name is Chris Lipcsei. I grew up in Budapest, Hungary, surrounded by my tiny, working class family, and a long list of furry and non-furry friends.

When I was 23, I got into management consulting, adopting a lifestyle I never even knew existed. I loved being around people similar to me, and this career opened a lot of doors.

Being a top performer in management consulting was key in overcoming poverty, the legacy limiting my family for generations.

By the time I finished business school, I was in a pretty bad shape. I lived so many different lives, all of them with full force. It required many sacrifices, and I left much of myself behind every time I started a new chapter.

I was in talk therapy since 2017, which helped me cope, but I was mostly using my brain, and so permanent, deep change was never in sight.

I knew that what helped me get here was not going to help me get to a happy, easy, fulfilled life.

In 2020, I started a deep, subconscious healing journey. In 2022, I discovered IFS, EMDR, and Somatic Experiencing, which cracked my mind open. Having experienced their effects first hand, I believe these are the most valuable inventions we've discovered in the past hundred years.

After training in IFS and enhancing it with my own ROI-focused perspective, I started my full-time coaching practice in 2023. I work with high performers who want to use these subconscious tools to move beyond fears, survival, indecision, and heal the burdens that keep them from living the happy, fulfilled, connected lives they always desired.

I spent close to a decade creating options for myself:


McKinsey & Company
2015 - 2019
(fastest DTA in the region)


Stanford GSB
2019 - 2021
(2nd Hungarian graduate)

Strategy Senior Associate

Google LLC
2022 - 2023
(my first layoff)

Then came my own subconscious healing work:

Picture of Chris before and after recovering from CPTSD

My largest & best investment in myself

  • Received 500+ hours of IFS therapy & coaching, EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, Reichian/Löwenian Bioenergetics, Psychodynamic Therapy, Psychodrama, Systemic Constellations
  • Experienced all major forms of facilitated medicinal journeys
  • Recovered from most problems I faced as an overachiever: perfectionism, anxiety, stress, disconnection from my emotions, somatic pains, skin inflammations, feeling like I need to do everything myself, poor relationships, addictions, toxic shame & guilt... 
  • Reconnected to my body, became attractive, and felt innately confident for the first time in my life

Helping fellow high performers as a practitioner

  • Delivered 800+ hours of IFS-informed one-on-one coaching
  • Self-coached 1,000+ hours using my proprietary methodology supporting my own recovery from CPTSD
  • Created and teach Parts Journaling, a gamified method for doing Solo IFS
  • IFS-Informed Practitioner trained by the late Derek Scott @ IFSCA (2023)

European Public Policy Professional (33)

I could not recommend working with Chris more. I just scratched the surface in therapy. IFS coaching really helped me get to the core and I saw changes I did not think were possible.

Astrophysics & Large Language Models PhD (29)

I have been on a healing journey for 10+ years, but it wasn't until I started working with Chris and delving into IFS that I truly began to see a remarkable and rapid transformation.

Private Coaching Program with Chris

6-Month Transformation

$500 / month

Comprehensive IFS-Informed Transformation Program

  • 1 x 90 minutes Parts Priority Setting Session
  • 11 x 60 minutes one-on-one Somatic Internal Family Systems coaching
  • Real-time Integration & Solo IFS Support between sessions
  • Early access to any courses I release

Risk-free sessions:

(If you don't want to continue, you'll get the rest of your investment back, no questions asked.)

  • Free 30-minute consult;
  • First IFS dive during your 90-minute Parts Work Priorities session.
👉 Get Started: Book Your Free Consult

Book your 30-minute consult:

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